The Diamond Heart – Jungian Psychology and the Christian Mystical Tradition
Jung saw the human psyche as “by nature religious” and made this insight a principal focus of his explorations. In this regard, the book aims to explore an essentially depth approach to spirituality and numinosity relevant for todays’ largely post-religious situation. Jungian depth psychology, with all its own richness, can serve as an essential psychological foundation for, and bridge to, the Christian mystical tradition.
Over the past 1500 years, the Christian tradition of theologia mystica, or mystical theology, has flourished in particular communities and individuals with great transformative beauty, vitality and strength—like a mysterious, hidden river of Love overflowing into society, such as in sixteenth century Spain. Key to understanding the transmission of this tradition down the centuries has been the sixth century writings known as the Dionysian Corpus, written by Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite. These writings have evolved over more than 1,000 years of interpretation and translation, being closely identified with the tradition of theologia mystica.
Julienne McLean practices as a psychologist, Jungian analyst and training supervisor in north London, as well as being a spiritual director and retreat conductor. She has been in private practice for nearly 30 years. She has had a lifelong involvement in the Christian contemplative tradition, with a particular interest in the relationship between modern depth psychology and theologia mystica.
She has published many papers and is the author of Towards Mystical Union (St Pauls, 2003, 2013, 2017) a modern commentary on St Teresa’s classic text on prayer The Interior Castle.