Psychreative – “Using Dreams and Poetry to Ride the ‘Belly of the Whale'”

Saturday 4th December 2021, 6pm (GMT)


Zoom Link to Join:–trTovEtfZj0FcnAEzX5IQAT_Wd5pj

In this talk, Leah Larwood will discuss the land between dreams and poetry, and how these processes can support one another. She will talk about how poetry therapy and dream work combined can be a potentially powerful approach, and specifically, how turning a dream into a poem can be a compelling experience, too.


She’ll discuss the liminal dream states and how these spaces can be a treasure trove for exploring wellbeing and creativity. She’ll touch on her own experiences of time spent in ‘the belly of the whale’ and how working with dreams and writing poetry helped with the integration process.


We’ll also hear about how lucid dreaming can be a fertile ground for developing poetry and other creative projects, and how poetry can play an integral processing role in supporting emotionally charged nocturnal experiences such anxiety dreams, nightmares, and self-induced shadow lucid dreams.


What to bring: Bring a dream from recent times, or if you’re not currently recalling dreams, bring a dream from the past that has stayed with you. If time, we will do a short writing exercise using your dream for inspiration. (You will not be asked to share your dream or process, unless you would like to.)


Leah Larwood is a poet and writer based in Norfolk UK. By day she’s a hypnotherapist and a wellbeing writer for Red magazine, Breathe, Planet Mindful and Female First. She’s also currently studying to become a UKCP accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist, a Certified Poetry Therapist (IFBPT) and a MBLC Mindfulness Teacher. By night, she works with dreams and has a particular interest in using shadow work integration within lucid dreams. She often uses her dreams to inspire and create her own poetry and has various poems published by Poetry Society, Mslexia, Poetry News and has been placed in various poetry competitions.


She runs various online workshops teaching people how to use lucid dreaming and other liminal dream states to support their wellbeing and creativity and also hosts a 6-week poetry therapy series ‘The Royal Road to Dreams’ which combines poetry therapy techniques with dream work: