New Release – The Lion Will Become Man: Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature

New Release – 
The Lion Will Become Man: 
Alchemy and the 
Dark Spirit in Nature
—A Personal Encounter
by Keiron Le Grice
In this compelling psychological memoir, Keiron Le Grice, the 2023 Zurich Lecture Series’ speaker, details his experience of a profound transformative crisis between 2001 and 2004. He explains how, by a sustained investigation of the root causes of his condition, he was eventually able to overcome the crisis, guided by instructive dreams and startling coincidences, illuminated by a series of symbolic paintings, and aided by his serendipitous discovery of the Gnostic text The Gospel of Thomas.

Exploring the nature of the unconscious mind and the mysterious spiritual power behind his experience, Le Grice turns to the mystical symbolism of alchemy and the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung to set out a deep understanding of psychological rebirth and its relationship to the ongoing evolution of the Western psyche. The Lion Will Become Man gives a striking example of alchemy at work and reveals its great value as a guide to the complex developmental process that Jung called individuation.

“a gripping . . . plunge into one individual’s spiritual emergency and the path to a new life. . . . Keiron Le Grice illustrates how his own personal dark night of the soul led to a transformative illumination and the unavoidable challenge of becoming ‘who he is.’”

—Gary Lachman, author of Jung the Mystic

“Keiron Le Grice traverses the path laid down by . . . Jung to redefine alchemy for depth psychology in our time. . . . The author weaves a unique tapestry that ultimately becomes an archetypal narrative about transforming our collective psyche..”

— Dick Russell, author of The Life and Ideas of James Hillman

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Chapter I: Sublimatio and Devil Possession
  • Chapter II: The Descent of the Western Ego
  • Chapter III: Dread, the Nigredo, and the Opposites
  • Chapter IV: Mortificatio and Ego-Death
  • Chapter V: Solutio and the Prima Materia
  • Chapter VI: Calcinatio and Dionysian Dismemberment
  • Chapter VII: The Lion, the Child, and the Transformations of Mercurius
  • Chapter VIII: The Cauda Pavonis
  • Chapter IX: God, Sophia, and the Dark Spirit in Nature
  • Chapter X: Coniunctio in California
  • Chapter XI: The Unio Mystica and the Transformation of the World
  • Afterword
  • Appendix: An Extract from Mircea Eliade’s Interview with C.G. Jung for Combat
  • Bibliography


Keiron Le Grice, PhD
Keiron Le Grice is a professor of depth psychology in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, and the author of several books, including The Archetypal Cosmos and The Rebirth of the Hero.

The Zürich Lecture Series – Published by 
Chiron Publications
Volume 1 – Where Soul Meets Matter: Clinical and Social Applications of Jungian Sandplay Therapy 
by Eva Pattis Zoja

Eva Pattis Zoja explores the psyche’s astonishing capacity and determination to regulate itself by creating images and narratives as soon as a free and protected space for expression is provided. A variety of examples from analytic practice with adults and from psychosocial projects with children in vulnerable situations illustrate how sandplay can be used in different therapeutic settings.

Volume 2 – ‘Two Souls Alas’ : Jung’s Two Personalities and the Making Of Analytical Psychology 
by Mark Saban
In his memoir, Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Jung tells us that, as a child, he had the experience of possessing two personalities. ‘Two Souls Alas’ is the first book to suggest that Jung’s experience of the difficult dynamic between these two personalities not only informs basic principles behind the development of Jung’s psychological model but underscores the theory and practice of Analytical Psychology as a whole.

Volume 3 – Reading Goethe at Midlife: 
Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism & Jung 
by Paul Bishop
Reading Goethe at Midlife reveals the remarkable symmetry between the ideas and Jung and Goethe. Jung’s analysis of the stages of life, and his advice to heed the “call of the self,” are brought into the conjunction with Goethe’s emphasis on the importance of hope, showing an underlying continuity of thought and relevance from ancient wisdom, via German classicism to analytical psychology.

Volume 4 – Creativity: 
Patterns of Creative Imagination as Seen Through Art 
by Paul Brutsche

We don’t know where creativity comes from. Is it inspired from above? Welling up from below? Picked up from the air?

This book does not claim to reveal this secret. It does not attempt to reduce creativity to a “nothing but,” for example to explain it as a special ability of certain creative individuals with special abilities. On the contrary, it is about exploring the fullness and variety of this amazing power, which is the basis of all cultural, artistic, scientific and spiritual activity of man, without attributing it to a simple cause.

Volume 5 – A Story of Dreams, Fate and Destiny 
by Erel Shalit
In this rich and poetically written book, Erel Shalit “calls attention to the dream and its images along the nocturnal axis that leads us from fate to destiny.” He takes us on a journey from ancient history, beginning with the first documented dream, that of Gilgamesh, to Adam and Eve and the serpent, to Joseph in Egypt as the Pharaoh’s dream interpreter, through ancient Greece to the Asklepion, to Swedenborg’s visions, to our world today through the eyes of Freud, Jung, and science, and finally to the process of active imagination to reveal the workings of Mercurius and the transcendent function.

Volume 6 – At Home In The World: 
Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging 
by John Hill


This work offers a profound philosophical and psychological exploration of the multi-dimensional significance of home and the interwoven themes of homelessness and homesickness and contemporary global culture. Home is a particular dwelling place, as a cultural or national identity, as a safe temenos in therapy, and as a metaphor for the individuation process are analyzed expertly from multidisciplinary perspectives and, more poignantly, through the sharing of diverse narratives that bear witness to lives lived and endured from memories of homes lost and regained.

Volume 7 – The Power of Stories: Mythodrama: 
Conflict Management and Group Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents Using Stories
by Allan Guggenbühl
In this book a therapeutic method and conflict management approach is presented, which is successfully employed in group work with children and adolescents in despair or in a conflict situation. Mythodramas main focus are specially selected stories, which mirror the issues of the respective group, connect to the issues of the group, and serve as an entrance to the imaginal. The book describes how the stories are selected, told, enacted, and linked to the issues and concerns of the group or individual. Mythodrama is a potent method, based on Jungian psychology, which helps groups to move on, express their emotions, concerns, and get motivated to find solutions. Mythodrama has successfully been applied in groups consisting of traumaticised children or adolescents, violent youth, bullies, victims of aggression, adolescents with identity crises, etc. Mythodrama is also a method which is employed in conflict management in schools. The key elements of Mythodrama are Stories, Play, Imagination, Drama, and Concrete Changes.

Volume 8 – Breaking The Spell Of Disenchantment: Mystery, Meaning, And Metaphysics In The Work Of C. G. Jung
by Roderick Main

Roderick Main examines various ways in which C.G. Jung’s analytical psychology, developed during this same period, can be seen to challenge that dominant narrative.

After explaining the complex and ambivalent nature of disenchantment and the many different responses to it, Main shows how the Jungian process of individuation intrinsically fosters a culturally much needed reenchantment of the world, though in a way that also continues to acknowledge the role of both disenchantment and naïve enchantment. He then focuses in turn on Jung’s lifelong engagement with anomalous phenomena, his concept of synchronicity as a principle of acausal connection through meaning, and his implicit panentheistic metaphysics to show in greater detail how, contrary to disenchantment, analytical psychology affirms genuine mystery, inherent meaning, and relationship to spiritual or divine reality.

The Lion Will Become Man [ZLS Edition]: Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-A Personal Encounter

Volume 10 – Eternal Echoes: Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil
by Nancy Swift Furlotti
Eternal Echoes offers the reader an overview of Erich Neumann’s opus, which is large and multifaceted. Beginning with an introduction of Erich Neumann including a series of his active imagination watercolors, we see an intimate view into his internal process. The Jung-Neumann Correspondence examines evil as witnessed during WW11. The work Neumann focused on during this period resulted in his exploration of his own Roots of Jewish Consciousness, both Revelation and Apocalypse, and Hasidism.

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