Author Archive

Professor Hamilton’s Passage to India

Professor Hamilton’s Passage to India
by Manisha Roy
Previously published, this book by Manisha Roy tells the story of Dr. Charles Hamilton, Professor of Infectious Diseases from a respected medical school in the U.S. who visited India after receiving a substantial research grant. 
There he was invited by several institutes to visit and lecture. He accepted the invitations gladly and hoped to explore the possibility of his return for an extended stay to gather valuable data for his research.

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 4 – The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis!

The Collected Writings of Murray Stein

Volume 4 – The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis

by Murray Stein

The Practice of Jungian Psychoanalysis is the 4th volume in The Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It includes works by the author with special relevance to analytic practice. Among them are the Ghost Ranch papers from 1983-1992, essays on transference and types of countertransference, the problem of sleepiness in analysis, sibling rivalry and envy, the aims of analysis, the faith of the analyst, and reflections on spirituality in analysis.

At Home In The World:  Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging – COMING SOON!

At Home In The World: 
Sounds and Symmetries of Belonging
by John Hill
Part of the Zurich Lecture Series and previously published by Spring Journal, this work offers a profound philosophical and psychological exploration of the multi-dimensional significance of home and the interwoven themes of homelessness and homesickness and contemporary global culture. Home is a particular dwelling place, as a cultural or national identity, as a safe temenos in therapy, and as a metaphor for the individuation process are analyzed expertly from multidisciplinary perspectives and, more poignantly, through the sharing of diverse narratives that bear witness to lives lived and endured from memories of homes lost and regained.

The Four Pillars of Jungian Psychoanalysis: Coming Soon!

Four Pillars of Jungian Psychoanalysis

The Four Pillars of Jungian Psychoanalysis by Murray Stein is a work that describes the methods that in combination sets this form of psychotherapy apart from all the others. The first chapter describes how the theory of individuation serves as an assessment tool for the analyst and guides the process toward the client’s further psychological development. The second chapter, on the analytic relationship, discusses the depth psychological understanding of the healing effect of the therapeutic encounter.
Working with dreams and active imagination comprise the other two chapters. In both of these chapters, there is detailed discussions of how these methods are used in Jungian psychoanalysis and to what purpose. It is the combination of “the four pillars” that makes Jungian psychoanalysis unique.

Now available!

The Sacred Well Murders 

by Susan Rowland
Author Susan Rowland’s first mystery novel!
Available February 1—order today.
A simple job turns deadly when Mary Wandwalker, novice detective, is hired to chaperone a young American, Rhiannon, to the Oxford University Summer School on the ancient Celts. Worried by a rhetoric of blood sacrifice, Mary and her operatives, Caroline, and Anna, attend a sacrifice at a sacred well. They discover that those who fail to individuate their gods become possessed by them.

January Book Spotlight: Striving Toward Wholeness by Barbara Hannah

 January Book Spotlight:
Striving Toward Wholeness by Barbara Hannah

Striving Toward Wholeness
Paperback Original Price $27.95
On Sale for $13.97

Barbara Hannah studies the psychic processes that move people to strive for wholeness of personality, an integration of all innate capacities. Since this inner drama manifests itself with special intensity in the lives of creative individuals, she has taken up the biographies and literary productions of five major English novelists—Robert Louis Stevenson, Mary Webb, and Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte—along with one nonliterary artist—Branwell Bronte.

Not only do Stevenson, Webb, and the four Brontes take on fresh, unsuspected dimensions, but the concepts of analytical psychology are also broadened and deepened as Barbara Hannah indicates how contemporary people may gain insight from these examples in their own efforts to strive towards wholeness.